Characters of Notice

In this blog you may contact the creator and participate in the following: "Q&A", where you may direct a question at a character, and they will personally answer; "How To" survive a horror scene, where you may set a scenario and the character of your choice will show you how to escape it; "What's Your Power?" where you answer questions and then you are told what would most likely be your power; and finally, on the rare occasion, "Shorts", where you tell the writer about yourself, choose a character or characters that you like best, and you can be written into a short story! Short stories will be written in a certain format. For instance, if you choose Elisabeth to be in the story with you, she will show up and save you from a demon. Can be customized upon collaboration with the author. To contact the author and get started, please email her at:
Here's a list of characters you may ask to hear from: Ellie (Elisabeth), Bass (Sebastian), Jax (Jackson), Mama Bear (Sarah), Andy (John), Jam (James), Morg (Morgan), Molly (The Dog), and occasionally you might hear from a guest character. And obviously I'm Miss Eccentric (A.M. Burnshaw), author and creator of all characters =)
To learn more about the author, the characters, and their stories, please visit A.M. Burnshaw's official website at: click this link to read a bio on each character, right HERE.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Who to Save...? Q&A


Ellie, if you were in a situation where you could only save one life, whose would it be?  Your brother, your mother, your father, your lover, your dog, or yourself?  And please explain your decision.

-Sheepdog David Grant


"First, I would like to start off by stating the obvious fact that both my parents are already deceased. This considerably throws the entire scenario off, leaving me a choice between saving my lover, my brother, my dog, or myself. Unless, of course, this hypothetical scenario were to take place in the past, before my twelfth birthday when my brother was murdered, and my parents were also still alive. Although, back then I did not have the lovely company of Molly, so again, this throws off the entire scenario, as I would not have a dog to save. However, as this is a completely hypothetical question --I presume-- I can safely say that we can pretend that all of these people are alive and well for me to save. Which leaves me with the decision, who to save? Obviously I would not save myself, because what good would that do? I would, in my heart, want to save my love, because although I strive for rationality, love is rarely rational. Luckily, I have the capacity to override that and see a better course of action, so reasonably speaking, I would in fact save my brother. Because not only does Sebastian have powers much like mine, but he is also very smart, brave and kind. If I were to save him, I know he would have the power and the will to save the others."

-Dr. Elisabeth Hunter (Ellie)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

An Introduction to the Characters of This Blog...

All characters are from A.M. Burnshaw's first trilogy, "The Agent Trilogy". Currently the first book, "Burned by Midnight" can be purchased at the Kindle Store,, and To learn about the book and of course the upcoming second installation of The Agent Trilogy, "Memories of Midnight", please visit A.M. Burnshaw's official website at: Otherwise, please read on to learn a bit about the characters of this blog. Enjoy =)

Elisabeth Hunter lost her twin brother at the age of twelve. Four years after her twin's death, her parents were killed and her twin brother was brought back to her by magic...She now lives with a foster family and she protects the world with her magical powers. She is controlled in all aspects of her life other than her health, which not only includes a deadly heart condition but also many allergies, an arm with many injuries that led to very painful nerve damage, and horrible eyesight. She is strong, extremely intelligent, emotionally guarded, brave, intuitive, she never tells a lie, she is serious but has a wicked and often mischievous sense of humor, and she cares more for complete strangers than for herself. Her favorite SELFISH thing to do is to play the piano, and when she plays, it’s not just music that emanates from the instrument...It’s her heart, her soul, everything about her that makes her, well, HER.

Sebastian Hunter is Elisabeth’s twin brother. He was murdered at the age of seven, but when he died the Archangel’s took him in, and taught him the ways of being a Guardian. After the death of his parents, he was sent to his sister to live once more beside her as a mortal. He lives now with her and her foster family. He’s what I like to call the “Chief of Optimism Island”. His sense of humor is sharp, he smiles often and is not afraid of showing emotion, he’s a little clumsy at times, and he is also quite smart. His favorite things to do are playing video games, running, dancing, and helping others with learning their powers.

Jackson Williams is the one true love of Elisabeth. He met her weeks after her birth, and although he was only one year of age, he was in love with her the moment their eyes made contact. Although he has no powers like the twins do, he is a remarkable person. He sees love and truth in places where others may not. He’s quiet but friendly, and has a British accent that thickens when he’s nervous. And although Elisabeth’s feelings are completely mutual, it has always been a constant battle for them to see their love through. His favorite things to do are surfing, and archery, and he’s won many archery competitions back in the United Kingdom.

Mama Bear:
Sarah Smith is wife of John, and mother of James and Morgan. And she truly is a mother...Everything about her is nurturing, and kind, and motherly. She is a nurse in the children’s cancer ward, and she’s always the one to reveal truth to patients and families who are hidden from the it. She deals with death every day, yet she always seems to help someone at the same time. She is a very curious person, and often innocent in her questions. She was once going to be a chef, but gave up the dream for her nursing. She uses her skills to care for her family and she is a fierce woman who would do anything for her loved ones.

John Smith is the head of the Smith family. He’s a careful person, with a patient and kind smile that never fades, no matter how rude someone can be. He tends to stick to the background of the family, supporting those who need it, and providing for his family. He’s also a great cook himself, which he has in common with Sarah, he loves children, and his once-favorite thing to do was paint. He was going to pursue his artistic dreams, but his strict father knocked him from that path quickly, and instead he became a chiropractor.

James Smith is the adopted son of John and Sarah. He’s quite intelligent, a bit nerdy at times, and a history teacher at a local high school. He once substituted at a school for gifted teens, and one day he hopes to be permanently placed at such a school. He’s funny, but often serious. He likes to observe rather than participate, and he often will ask many questions before he answers one himself. He’s no rocket scientist, but he loves to be challenged in his wit, and what better way to be challenged than by playing a good game of chess?

Morgan Smith is John and Sarah’s fourteen-year-old daughter, and there is no mistaking her with her bright red hair and even brighter personality. She’s quite silly at times, and although she’s often just like the average teen (with her skimpy outfits, “OMG” attitude, and love of pop music), she is also quite unique indeed. She is impossibly curious, and has little boundaries. She loves animals, and she has the Gift of Empathic powers, to feel other’s emotions. She loves to swim, and is quite gifted at that as well.

Molly Smith is a golden Lab. She was given to Morgan as a present from Elisabeth, although she is clearly a family dog. She’s a fun-loving animal who (with the help of Elisabeth, as she can literally speak with animals) loves to ramble on and on about her favorite things such as going for walks, eating, playing with her peoples, and chasing squirrels. She’s quite the character indeed.

Miss Eccentric:
A.M. Burnshaw, or otherwise known as Miss Eccentric here on this blog, is a young woman who woke one day with Elisabeth Hunter in her mind and in her heart, whispering her life story in her ears...She has never gone back since then, and her love of writing will never end. To learn more about the author, please either visit her bio on this blog, or visit her official website.

I dearly hope you will all enjoy this blog, and for future reference I will be putting a link to this post in Miss Eccentric's "About Me" section, so you may always know who is who in this blog.