Characters of Notice

In this blog you may contact the creator and participate in the following: "Q&A", where you may direct a question at a character, and they will personally answer; "How To" survive a horror scene, where you may set a scenario and the character of your choice will show you how to escape it; "What's Your Power?" where you answer questions and then you are told what would most likely be your power; and finally, on the rare occasion, "Shorts", where you tell the writer about yourself, choose a character or characters that you like best, and you can be written into a short story! Short stories will be written in a certain format. For instance, if you choose Elisabeth to be in the story with you, she will show up and save you from a demon. Can be customized upon collaboration with the author. To contact the author and get started, please email her at:
Here's a list of characters you may ask to hear from: Ellie (Elisabeth), Bass (Sebastian), Jax (Jackson), Mama Bear (Sarah), Andy (John), Jam (James), Morg (Morgan), Molly (The Dog), and occasionally you might hear from a guest character. And obviously I'm Miss Eccentric (A.M. Burnshaw), author and creator of all characters =)
To learn more about the author, the characters, and their stories, please visit A.M. Burnshaw's official website at: click this link to read a bio on each character, right HERE.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Who to Save...? Q&A


Ellie, if you were in a situation where you could only save one life, whose would it be?  Your brother, your mother, your father, your lover, your dog, or yourself?  And please explain your decision.

-Sheepdog David Grant


"First, I would like to start off by stating the obvious fact that both my parents are already deceased. This considerably throws the entire scenario off, leaving me a choice between saving my lover, my brother, my dog, or myself. Unless, of course, this hypothetical scenario were to take place in the past, before my twelfth birthday when my brother was murdered, and my parents were also still alive. Although, back then I did not have the lovely company of Molly, so again, this throws off the entire scenario, as I would not have a dog to save. However, as this is a completely hypothetical question --I presume-- I can safely say that we can pretend that all of these people are alive and well for me to save. Which leaves me with the decision, who to save? Obviously I would not save myself, because what good would that do? I would, in my heart, want to save my love, because although I strive for rationality, love is rarely rational. Luckily, I have the capacity to override that and see a better course of action, so reasonably speaking, I would in fact save my brother. Because not only does Sebastian have powers much like mine, but he is also very smart, brave and kind. If I were to save him, I know he would have the power and the will to save the others."

-Dr. Elisabeth Hunter (Ellie)


  1. Great question and well thought out answer :)

  2. Everything Ellie says is well thought out ;) And thanks! Glad to see you here =D
